About Ana Raika

Ana Raika is a graduate of the VCU School of Dentistry and a life long student of healing. When her youngest son was born, he had severe allergies. This journey took her even deeper on her path of empowering others to heal by leading her to become a NAET practioner. Her youngest son no longer suffers from his past body’s severe allergies.

Becoming a NAET practioner led Ana into a whole new world that allows her to empower others to heal. She has since become a Reiki Master and been certified in natural techniques such as Psychosomatic Energetics (Rubimed Homeopathy), Biomagnetism, Craniosacral Therapy, Breathwork, Essential Oils, and Metamorphic Technique.

The pool of knowledge that Ana offers to the world is infinite and so are you. To book an appointment with Ana or for pricing inquiries, please email inphinitewellness@gmail.com.