Psychosomatic energetics is a healing modality developed in Germany by Dr. Reimar Banis. The basic principle of the modality states that the cause of disease lies in hidden unresolved emotional conflicts. These conflicts shape the person´s personality, character and behavior. The energy of these motional conflicts interfere with the smooth functioning of the autonomic nervous system causing energy congestion that eventually manifests as a physical illness. Blocked emotions can be responsible for 95% of our current health conditions.
It is the body’s Energy Field, also called the Subtle Energy Body that instructs and therefore regulates the biochemistry of our bodies.
When the energy of a conflict gets stored in the body’s energy centers it can disregulate the proper function of the related glands, organs and tissues and have a tremendous impact on the autonomic nervous system.
Psychosomatic Energetics targets and releases the conflicts with the use of homeopathic remedies specifically formulated for this purpose. These remedies unblock the underlying conflict that is stored thus allowing the body to return to a state of harmony. Unblocked and free flowing energy through your energy centers will empower you, will inspire you to live the life you were meant to live.